P&C Insurance: A Model of Digital Transformation

Aug–Nov 2021

Bloom Inc.

Explore how Ascend revolutionized P&C Insurance through strategic IT enhancements, achieving remarkable efficiency and expanded service capabilities.


faster processing times, enhancing operational efficiency


increase in market share, enabling nationwide service coverage


reduction in IT operational costs annually, optimizing financial performance

Ascend partnered with a leading P&C Insurance firm to tackle significant challenges posed by outdated systems and limited regional services. The strategic overhaul encompassed integrating state-of-the-art Business Intelligence tools and scalable web functionalities. This was instrumental in enabling the insurer’s push into new markets while enhancing data-driven decision-making and personalizing customer interactions. The upgrades led to streamlined claims processing, better risk management, and a more agile response to market conditions.

The second phase of the project focused on optimizing customer touchpoints and internal operations. Ascend’s bespoke web portals and advanced analytic systems were pivotal in providing a seamless user experience and efficient service delivery. Enhanced mobile capabilities allowed for better agent accessibility and faster client servicing, which was crucial for retaining competitive advantage in a rapidly evolving insurance landscape.


Implemented an Agile Multi-shore approach, optimizing both cost and operational efficiency.


Conducted extensive on-site training and knowledge transfer, ensuring seamless system integration.


Developed a robust Nearshore IT strategy, reducing project timelines and costs while maintaining high-quality standards.